“You truly helped lighten my stress load during the last month of my dissertation journey! Your knowledge of APA, your formatting expertise, and your overall style recommendations were incredibly supportive . . . I am grateful for your immense talent!!”
-Donna Lamkin, University of Albany
“Thank you very much for your fantastic work. Your work improved the readibility of our paper significantly. What’s more, your work is not limited to grammatical modification. You worked according to author’s meaning with deep understanding of the paper. Thank you again!”
-Lirong Chen, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China
“Very high quality work. John’s comments and formatting throughout the document were excellent. I am a happy customer.”
-Richard Tabu, Nova Southeastern University
“To the best editor in the world!!! I greatly appreciate your quick response and professionalism! I couldn’t have gotten to this point without your wonderful editing services!”
-Jessica C., Virginia Tech.
“Elizabeth continues to amaze me with her expertise; thank you so much. I will be sure to let her know when I have additional needs.
-Marie Roberts De La Parra, University of San Francisco
“I truly recognize the ethical and kind way in which you conduct your business. Your services have been stellar and the editing was extremely thorough, providing me the eloquent, polished dissertation I sought to produce. I will never use another editing service! Many, many thanks.”
-Sandra Hamar, Grand Canyon University
“I made this deadline courtesy of Harper—I was at my wits end emotionally and mentally, and all I needed was this ‘last’ push to make it. My college kid and freshman daughter in high school both get to see mom walk the stage with her PhD in May!“
-LaMicha Hogan, TTUHSC School of Nursing
“I owe Editide much more for helping me with my dissertation than the payment involved. The 2nd run of my dissertation (chapters 1/2/3) came back with excellent feedback, much better than I expected. None of the feedback involved fixing APA editing issues. I can’t recommend Editide highly enough! The service cut months off what I expected. The service is highly recommended; actually, it is a vital requirement to finishing your dissertation!”
-Gina Mieszcak, Capella University
“Thank you for your willingness to help me. You were a joy to work with through this process.”
–Ivy Maxwell, University of Phoenix
“As always you did a wonderful job as my copy editor. I appreciate your dedication and support. You are a consummate professional. Although I believe my writing has improved since I worked on my dissertation, I know your critical eye for detail has been the difference between a good paper and a great paper.”
–Daniel Duca, Walden University
“Thanks again to the best editor to grace this earth!!”
-Minnie Polite, Argosy
“Thanks for the attention to detail and careful editing of my latest book, Gold Atlas of Rich Hill, Arizona.”
-Erik Melchiorre, Geology Department, California State University
“Thank you so much for all your assistance. You have been a pleasure. Truly.”
-Mike Romas, Fielding Graduate University
“Without doubt your marvelous service and kindness deserve your clients’ confidence and gratitude. Thanks a lot for everything.”
–Maryam Balawi, doctoral student from Saudi Arabia
“Elizabeth was extremely professional, was available within 24 hours (not easy when you’re in two time zones), was extremely helpful and knowledgeable, and most of all flexible toward the end when I needed to make changes and incorporate different illustrations. Elizabeth was (is) a very easy editor to work with and offers great advice (within her comments) for stressed out researchers and doctoral students like myself.”
–Ingrid Bosetti, University of San Francisco
“Thank you so much for the fantastic work you have done! I wish I heard about your services years ago because the benefits you offer are superb! I have worked with many editors before and your service is clearly the best. I plan on recommending you to peers and using your services again in the future. Thanks again!”
Daniel Siegel, University of Central Florida
“Thank you and John very much for the great and very quick service. I really appreciate it! It has been a pleasure to work with you and if you need someone to endorse your services, please let me know.”
–Bob Cockerill, University of Liverpool
“I want to thank you both for your help during this past year as I scurried to get the dissertation done. You both helped me make something possible that I wasn’t sure was possible. I mentioned both of you in the acknowledgments to my dissertation for your document preparation that was, for the most part on short order. I am very grateful for both of you and the work you do.”
-Ellen Cullman, Doctoral Candidate
“Again thank you for all your support, advice, and hard work.”
-Dan Umbarger, author of Explaining Logarithms
“My dissertation has been accepted by the dean and the Ohio Board of Regents. I’m on my way to graduation! Thank you for your invaluable assistance. When I draft an article, I will call on you again.”
-Terry Ruby, mental health counselor
“Let me say that John is a truly good guy. His work is flawless!!”
-Loay Alnaji, “Determining the Effect of Sample Size on Bias, Variance, and Accuracy in Back Propagation Neural Network Models”
“I’ll just keep sending you students. . . . You’re doing a great job.”
–Deborah Schaff Johnson, Argosy University
“The world needs more trustworthy and reliable businesses like Editide.”
-Karen Dixon-Brugh, Walden University
“I wanted to thank you guys for everything! I’m so grateful to you for all of your assistance. Thank you for your time, professionalism, empathy, and high quality work! I could NEVER have reached this goal without you!”
-Herman Pugh, Grand Canyon University
Client List
In addition to helping authors self-publish, we have edited for folks who hailed from the following universities and organizations.
A.T. Still University Absolut-e Data Com Inc. ACW Dissertation Doctor Addicus Books Addison-Wesley ADR Advanced Lifeline Services, Inc. Al Ain University of Science and Technology Alabama State University Albert Einstein College of Medicine Albizu University Alchemy Software Alliance University Alliant International University Allstar Medical Supply Alpha Institute American Academy of Clinical Psychologists American Institute of Holistic Theology Antioch University Arbos Associates Argosy University Arizona State University Ashford University Ashgate Publishing Company Aston University Auburn University Australia National University Azusa Pacific University Bank of Korea Barry University Bethune-Cookman University BI Norwegian Business School Binghamton University Bismarck State College Blakenship/McMillen Architects Boston College Boston University Bowling Green State University Brandeis University Brandman University Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center Brown University California Coast University California Lutheran University California Southern University California State University, Dominguez Hills California State University, East Bay California State University, Fullerton California State University, Fresno California State University, Long Beach California State University, Northridge California State University, San Bernardino Cambridge College Cambridge Copy and Translation Canadian School of Osteopathy Cannellos-Smartt Associates Capella University Carnegie Mellon University Case Western Reserve University Catholic University of Korea Central Connecticut State University Central South University Chicago School of Professional Psychology China Agricultural University Chinese University of Hong Kong Chongquing University Chungnam National University Ciba Chemical Corporation City University of New York, Brooklyn College City University, Hong Kong Claremont Graduate University Clark Atlanta University CMS-BondEdge Cohousing Collaborative Colgate University Colorado State University Columbia Southern University Columbia University Computer Concepts Firm, Inc. Concordia University Conrad Hilton Foundation Copenhagen Business School Cornell University Cranbury Therapeutic Massage Creighton University Daemen College Dalhousie University Dalian Maritime University Dalian University of Technology Dartmouth University Deloitte Consulting Delta DePaul University Dissertation Coach Dongeui University Drexel University Duke University Duksung Women’s University Duquesne University Dwight McDaniel Theological Seminary Edinburgh University Elaine Watson Mathematics Consulting Emerson College Energetic Life Coaching Enloe Medical Center Enota Ewha Womans University Federation of Intentional Communities Fielding Graduate University Florida Agricultural and Mechnical University Florida International University Florida State University Florida Virtual School Fordham University Franklin Pierce University Franklin University Frostburg State University Fuller Theological Seminary Gachon University Gaiam Paradigm Gemory George Fox University George Mason University George Washington University Georgetown University Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia State University Gimcheon University Global Ecovillage Network Goddard College Gonzaga University Goucher College Grand Canyon University Guangdong University of Foreign Studies HAART Project Halmstad University Hampton University Harbin Engineering University Harris-Stowe University Harvard Medical School Harvard University Health Ratings Study HEC Lausanne Henry Ford Health System Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hongik University Human Services Research Institute Hunter College Idaho State University Illinois Institute of Technology, Stuart School of Business Illinois State University Indiana State University Indiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana University, Bloomington Industrial Chemicals Inner Mongolia University Institute for Clinical Social Work Iowa State University JNPC, Inc. John F. Kennedy University Johns Hopkins University Johnson State University Kansas State University Keiser University Kennedy Harvard School of Government Kennedy Western University Kent State University Kookmin University Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology Korea University Le Lycee Francais de Los Angeles Lebanese University Liberty University Life Essentials Lincoln University Lindenwood University Lindsay Custom Builders, Inc. Loma Linda University London School of Economics Long Island University Los Baños Sports Louisiana Baptist University Loyola University Lund University Lynn University Manhattanville College Marian University Marquette University Marywood University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Massey University McGill University Mercer University Michigan State University Mid-Atlantic Cohousing Midland College Midwestern University Millersville University Minnesota State University Mississippi College Mississippi State University Missouri Western State University Mokpo National University Monmouth University Montclair State University Montefiore Medical Center Morgan State University Morningside Partners Mount Sinai School of Medicine Myongi University Nairobi Aviation College Nankai University Nanyang Technological University NASA National Center for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder National Hispanic University National Louis University National University of Singapore New England School of Law New School University New York Legal Aid New York Medical College New York University Northcentral University Northeastern University Northern Arizona University Northern Illinois University Northfield Savings Bank Northwest Missouri State University | Northwestern University Norwich University Nova Southeastern University Oak Ridge National Laboratory Ohio State University Oklahoma State University Old Dominion University Oral Roberts University Osnabrueck University Owines.com Oxford University Pace University Pacifica Graduate Institute Palo Alto University Paris School of Economics Peking University Pepperdine University Pfizer, Inc. Point Loma Nazarene University Portland State University Princeton University Property Management Group, LLC Quaid-e Awam University of Engineering, Science and Technology Queens University of Charlotte Regent University Regis University Rice University Rivendell Bicycle Works Robert Gordon University Robert Morris University Rocket Auto Body2 Ron Bartlo & Associates Roosevelt University Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rutgers University Saint Louis University Saint Mary’s College of California San Francisco State University Santa Clara University Savannah College of Art and Design Saybrook University Seattle University Seoul National Univesity Bundang Hospital Seton Hall University Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shenandoah University Shenzhen University Shippensburg University ShopSoul Simon Fraser University Society for Clinical Mindfulness and Meditation Sogang University South University Southeast University Southern Arkansas University Southern Illinois University Southwestern College Southwestern College St. John’s University St. Louis University St. Thomas University State of Black Arizona State University of New York, Albany State University of New York, Binghamton State University of New York, Buffalo State University of New York, Stony Brook Stephen F. Austin State University Stockholm University Business School Strategic Game Consulting Sun Moon University Sun Yat-sen University Sunbridge College Sungshin Women’s University Sunmoon University Suwan University Swiss Management Center University Tamarack Software Tauro International University Temple University Tennessee State University Texas A&M University Texas Southern University Texas Tech University Texas Woman’s University Tongji University Touro International University Toyo Eiwa University Tranflex AB Traveling Healer Trevecca Nazarene University Trident University International Trillium Hollow Co-Housing Trinity College Tufts University TUI University Tunghai University U.S. Army U.S. Cellular U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs U.S. Navy U.S. Postal Service Union College Union Institute & University United Methodist Church Università della Campania Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie-Timisoara University of Alabama University of Alberta University of Arizona University of Arkansas University of Bamberg University of Buffalo University of California, Berkeley University of California, Los Angeles University of California, Riverside University of California, San Diego University of California, San Francisco University of California, Santa Barbara University of Cambridge University of Central Florida University of Chicago University of Cincinnati University of Colorado, Boulder University of Colorado, Denver University of Connecticut University of Cumbria University of Delaware University of Denver University of Djibouti University of Edinburgh University of Essex University of Florida University of Georgia University of Hamburg University of Hawaii University of Houston University of Illinois, Champaign University of Illinois, Chicago University of Iowa University of Kansas University of Kentucky University of LaVerne University of Leeds University of Liverpool University of Louisiana University of Louisville University of Maine University of Malta University of Maryland, Baltimore University of Maryland, College Park University of Maryland, Eastern Shore University of Maryland, University College University of Massachusetts University of Miami University of Michigan University of Minnesota University of Mississippi University of Missouri University of Nebraska University of Nevada University of New England University of New Mexico University of New Orleans University of North Carolina University of North Texas University of Northern Colorado University of Nottingham University of Oklahoma University of Ottawa University of Oxford University of Pennsylvania, School of Nursing University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business University of Phoenix University of Pittsburgh University of San Diego University of San Francisco University of Saskatchewan University of South Alabama University of South Carolina University of South Dakota University of South Florida University of Southern California University of Southern Mississippi University of St. Andrews University of St. Thomas University of Suwon University of Tennessee University of Texas, Austin University of Texas, Dallas University of Texas, Health Science Center at San Antonio University of Texas, Tyler University of the Cumberlands University of the Rockies University of the West Indies University of Toledo University of Toronto University of Tromsø University of Utah University of Vermont University of Virginia University of Washington University of Western Sydney University of Wisconsin, Madison University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee University of Wyoming Valdosa State University Vermont College Vienna University of Technology Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VUE Software Walden University Warren International University Washington State University Washington University Wayne State University Wesleyan University West Virginia University Western Michigan University Western University of Health Sciences Whittier Primary School Widener University William Jewell College Wilmington University Women & Children’s Hospital of Buffalo Women’s International Coalition for Economic Justice Woodman Studio Yale Forestry Yale University Zayed University Zhejiang University of Science and Technology |