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Editing and Proofreading

We guarantee our work to be accurate; if we make an error, we fix it without charge. Also, we do our best to meet all our clients’ timelines. A dissertation usually requires about two weeks in the spring and fall and one week in the summer and winter. Please contact us if you are working under a tight deadline.

As with all of our services, we charge $57 per hour for editing and proofreading. The price per (250-word) double-spaced page varies depending on a variety of factors including the topic, the degree of technical or statistical material, the number of suggestions required, and the number of references. If you would like us to estimate the cost of a particular project, please contact us at If you are new to our services, we would be happy to read two to four pages as a free sample at your request. Additionally, we are happy to do any typing that our editing clients require.

We can work with your custom style sheet alone or in combination with standard style guides, including

  • The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA)
  • The Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago)
  • A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (Turabian)
  • The Modern Language Society Style Manual (MLA)
  • University-, publisher-, and journal-specific author guidelines.

Ways to save money:

  • Polish the prose. Read your manuscript out loud. Make sure your sentences are complete thoughts and that they say what you mean to say.
  • Check your citations: Are they in the reference list? Are all the authors listed? Is the year right? Don’t worry much about the spelling. As long as it is close, we will be able to figure it out when we audit the citations.
  • Check your references: Are they cited in the text? Do the journal articles and book chapters have page ranges, not just the first page? Have you listed all authors in the same order they are listed in the work? Note that when the style guide tells you to list authors alphabetically, they mean sort the references and citations by the authors’ names not that you should change the order of the authors’ names within a citation or reference entry.
  • Make sure every table, figure, and appendix is mentioned in the text and that each has a title.

Time spent that does not save much money:

  • Don’t spend time on the table of contents or lists of tables and figures. Unless you know how to make Word insert an automatic table of contents, we will delete whatever you do and make a new table. Doing so takes very little time and produces much better results than the manual method.
  • Don’t set up your tables with spaces. If you don’t know how to use Word’s table feature, insert the data with tabs separating the columns and do nothing more. We will convert the tabs to a Word table and format it to conform to the guidelines.
  • Don’t use carriage returns or tabs to make a paragraph look the way you want it to look. If you can’t figure it out, leave it as a block paragraph and we will format it using the robust tools provided by Word. You just need to flag it for us so we know how it should look. Word’s Comments feature is great for this purpose.
  • If you don’t have a firm grasp on its use, don’t worry about the use of “et al.” Just spell out all authors’ names and we will make the necessary changes.

Technical Information

We can accept email attachments, handwritten or typewritten manuscripts, disks, facsimiles, Google Drive, and Microsoft One Drive. We work primarily in MS Word, but we can accept and deliver many other word-processing formats. If you use MS Word 6 or later, we can return your manuscript with our suggestions marked through the Track Changes feature, allowing you to easily accept or reject some or all of our suggestions. We can also edit manuscripts in other formats including Pages, TeX, LaTeX and text.

You can find more extensive suggestions on how to prepare for editing, how to work with your editor, and how to navigate the revision and publishing process within our Thesis & Dissertation Editing Guide. This short guide is free to prospective and current clients and can be accessed by clicking the download link below.

Email us at or give us a call at 888-259-8216, extension 800 to begin the editing process.